Fashion,Fashion Stylist

Enter the world of 29 Rooms….

11 Sep , 2018  


Thanks to a wonderful invitation from Refinery 29, I got to experience the 2018 ’29 Rooms’. So, on September 7th fresh from the New York Fashion Week shows, we headed to Brooklyn for a VIP evening; with a Smirnoff Popsicle cocktail in-hand we set off to explore this unique interactive installation.

This year, in a huge Brooklyn warehouse space, 29Rooms brings together, artists, partners, and visionaries, and contains interactive installations, performances, and activities ‘designed to unlock your imagination and dare you to dream bigger’.  The theme is ‘Expand Your Reality’ encouraging creativity and ‘a new realm of abundant thinking’.

The 29Rooms: Expand Your Reality tour is on – September 6th through 16th only, in Brooklyn, New York.

Go, explore, create!



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Actor,actress,TV Presenter

Entering the App World as a New Interactive Character……

19 Aug , 2018  

An actors life is unpredictable and bloody hard work but then some days you get asked to do such a fun gig and you realise you have the best job in the world. This is my character ‘Annie the Analyser’ for the new mobile app Invidme.

Invidme is the next level in video interaction on mobile platforms. With InVidMe, you can interact with your favorite characters by choosing a phrase, recording your answer, and then sharing the video with the world!

Check it Out and Interact with me! @Invidme


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