Check out my latest commercial for the ‘Via‘ Ride share App. Currently on all social media channels in the UK.
actor, actress, app, british actress, commercial, featured, London, Nyc, ride share, social media, social media advert, via
An actors life is never dull, as actors we never stop: new headshots, new reels, new clips, new workshops, new classes the list goes on and the bank balance goes down – thank god then that Confucius got it spot on when he famously said ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life’
For the love of acting, here are my latest Headshots courtesy of Headshots Anyone and my latest reel courtesy of Shoestring Films
acting clips, acting reel, actor, actress, british actress, featured, headshots, headshotsanyone, Nyc, reel